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Common Questions about "Text Neck"

If you are suffering from neck pain on a frequent basis, it is likely that you are experiencing “text neck.” A trip to Reed Chiropractic Clinic in Solon, OH to meet with our chiropractor for treatment is ideal. Here are some common questions about the condition and how to treat the symptoms.

What Causes Text Neck to Occur?

Text neck is a condition that is caused by looking downward for extended periods. This problem usually happens when someone spends a lot of time looking at a cell phone, tablet, or laptop. When your head is dropped forward, the back of the neck is stretched. Prolonged stretching of the muscles in the back of the neck leads to pain in this area. This is usually felt as a dull pain that does not seem to disappear, or it could be a sharp pain that is felt when you move your head from side to side.

How Can Text Neck Be Avoided?

To avoid the pain of text neck, monitor the usage of your cell phone or similar device so that you are not looking down for long amounts or frequent durations of time. Set an alarm on your device to remind you to look away from it for several minutes before using it again. Alternately, a holder can be used to keep your device at eye level when you wish to look at it. Maintain a good posture that has your shoulders pulled back as well as having the chin tucked in.

What Can Chiropractic Care Do To Help?

Our chiropractor will perform a full examination of the body and determine whether you are suffering from text neck. An adjustment can help to reduce neck pain and inflammation, allowing you to regain motion. Our doctor may recommend simple stretching exercises to help with your neck pain in addition to preventing re-injury.

If your neck pain is persistent, schedule a consultation with our chiropractor in Solon at Reed Chiropractic Clinic. Call us today at (440) 248-2866!