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Whiplash Symptoms after a Car Accident

Whiplash Treatment from Reed Chiropractic in Solon, Ohio

If you’ve been in a car accident, you know firsthand how frightening and overwhelming it can be. Not only do you have to deal with insurance claims and car fixes, police reports and time off work, you also have to ensure the safety of everyone who was in the accident. If you or a family member was in a wreck and is experiencing whiplash or other symptoms, it’s time to see a chiropractic professional today.

Man with whiplash needs chiropractic care.

Whiplash is often thought of as an injury that will simply go away over time, but that’s not necessarily true. Even after you’ve received a clean bill of health from your healthcare practitioner, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re “okay.” Left untreated, whiplash can worsen, lead to secondary conditions, and even cause seemingly unrelated symptoms such as anxiety or insomnia. If you have whiplash, it’s important to be treated – and to understand what it is in the first place.

What Is Whiplash?

Whiplash is the result of forceful back and forth movement of the neck. When you are in a car accident, or even take a hard fall, your neck experiences violent forces that result in it cracking back and forth like a whip. This tears the delicate structures of your neck, including ligaments, tendons, muscles and connective tissues.

What Are the Symptoms of Whiplash?

Again, whiplash can exhibit far more symptoms than simple neck pain. You may also experience:

  • Neck pain, stiffness, tenderness, numbness or tingling
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Tenderness or pain in the shoulder or arms
  • Sleep disorders and fatigue
  • Ringing in the airs
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Irritability, depression and anxiety
  • Blurred vision
  • Memory problems and a sense of fogginess

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s critical you get in touch with a chiropractic professional today. Don’t wait for symptoms to get worse before seeking treatment, as this allows them to get embedded and makes it much more difficult to resolve.

Get Whiplash Treatment at Solon’s Reed Chiropractic

Tired of whiplash symptoms? You shouldn’t have to suffer any longer, and you won’t when you call us at 440-248-2866. You can also request an appointment through our website, but whatever you do, don’t wait to let Reed Chiropractic know what you need and how we can help. Our doors are always open to you, so get in touch.