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Risk Factors for Sciatica

Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve becomes compressed or irritated, which can cause lower back pain and leg pain. Not only that, but the condition can also become chronic when it is left untreated. At Reed Chiropractic Clinic in Solon, OH, we provide various treatments to reduce your symptoms and improve your health. Before visiting us, read about some risk factors for sciatica below:

What are Some Risk Factors for Sciatica?

Various risk factors can contribute to sciatica. Some of these risk factors include:

  • Age: Age-related changes in the spine, such as herniated disks and bone spurs, are common causes of sciatica.
  • Obesity: By increasing the stress on your spine, excessive body weight can contribute to the spinal changes that trigger sciatica.
  • Occupation: A job that requires you to twist your back, carry heavy loads, or drive a motor vehicle for long periods may cause this condition.
  • Prolonged Sitting: People who sit for prolonged periods or have a sedentary lifestyle are more likely to develop sciatica than those who are active.
  • Diabetes: This condition affects the way your body uses blood sugar, which increases your risk of nerve damage.

How to Prevent Sciatica

While not all instances of sciatica can be prevented, there are several lifestyle changes and protective measures that can reduce the risk of developing this painful condition. Some tips our chiropractors recommend include the following:

  • Exercise Regularly: Focus on maintaining a strong core to help support and stabilize your spine. Along with that, engaging in low-impact activities can help prevent sciatica.
  • Maintain Proper Posture: When sitting, choose a seat with good lower back support, armrests, and a swivel base. It is also important to your knees and hips level.
  • Use Good Body Mechanics: If you stand for long periods, rest one foot on a stool or small box from time to time. When lifting something heavy, let your lower extremities do the work.
  • Manage Diabetes: Monitor your blood sugar and follow your doctor's instructions for maintaining a healthy blood sugar level to prevent nerve damage.

When to Seek Treatment

If you're experiencing symptoms of sciatica, such as pain in your lower back that radiates down your leg, consider visiting our chiropractor. We will perform a physical examination and determine what is causing your discomfort. After, our chiropractors will create a personalized treatment plan to help your body heal. You may even have your first treatment during your initial consultation.

Contact us for an Appointment Today!

Whether you have back pain, numbness, or tingling due to sciatica, let our team at Reed Chiropractic Clinic in Solon, OH, help. To learn more about our treatments or to schedule your appointment, contact us at (440) 248-2866 today. When you’re looking for a chiropractor near me, our team is ready to assist you!