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Common Questions About Neck Pain Relief

Common Questions About Neck Pain Relief

Neck pain can be a result of a variety of medical conditions. Pain may be so severe that it may prompt you to visit a chiropractor. We deal with and treat many forms of neck pain here at Reed Chiropractic Clinic in Solon. Neck pain should be checked out right away since it can result in complications if not taken care of properly.

What Causes Neck Pain?

While there are many reasons why a person may suffer from neck pain, there are also some common causes. For example, sleeping on pillows that are too high can cause neck pain since your neck is sitting at an awkward angle for many hours. Tech neck can result from looking at your cell phone frequently. This comes from bending your neck constantly to look at your cellphone screen. Neck pain may also result from a car accident injury.

Can Neck Pain be Avoided?

Be sure to use a pillow that is leveled correctly and doesn't cause your spine to bend awkwardly. You should also make sure that your vehicle headrest is positioned correctly behind your head. If you are involved in an accident, the headrest will prevent your neck from being jolted past its normal range of motion. For those involved in sports, be sure to protect your body using the appropriate gear to prevent injuries from occurring.

How Can I Manage Neck Pain at Home?

If you suffer an injury, it will be helpful to apply a cool compress to the affected areas to help reduce inflammation. Within a couple of days, it is safe to switch over to using warm compresses to help relax the injured area and promote healing. You may also benefit from stretches to help with the pain.

Is Neck Pain Considered an Emergency?

Neck pain can be considered an emergency, depending on the type of symptoms you are experiencing. For example, if you are experiencing neck pain along with fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, or a severe headache, you should seek medical attention right away.

How Can a Chiropractor Help with Neck Pain?

Pain medications may or may not help. They usually are only suitable for temporary use. Side effects are also common with the use of pain medication. Chiropractic treatment is an excellent option for neck pain since it is considered non-invasive and doesn't require medication. Our chiropractors can perform spinal adjustments, massage, exercises, and various other therapies to help with neck pain.

Contact Us for Chiropractic Care in Solon

Give us a call here at Reed Chiropractic Clinic in Solon if you need neck pain treatment. Our chiropractors will assess you and determine the best approach for treatment for you. Contact us today to find out how our chiropractic care can help your neck pain.