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Treating Sciatica and Lower Back Pain

Treating Sciatica and Lower Back Pain at Reed Chiropractic in Solon

man with sciatica lower back pain in Solon, OH

If you have lower back and leg pain, you may have sciatica. Thankfully, our chiropractor, here at Reed Chiropractic in Solon is familiar with treating sciatica and lower back pain that is the result of a herniated disc or another back injury.

Causes of Sciatic Nerve Pain

Your sciatic nerve starts in your lower back. As it travels downward, it branches and extends down both legs. Anything that puts pressure on the sciatic nerve can cause sciatic nerve pain. The most common cause of sciatic nerve pain is a disc herniation, which occurs when part of your disc bulges or slips out of place.

Symptoms of Sciatic Nerve Pain

  • Difficulty Walking

  • Lower Back and Leg Pain

  • Muscle Weakness in the Legs

  • Numbness or Burning Sensations in the Legs

Sciatica Treatment with our Chiropractor

Sciatica treatment with our chiropractor starts with a thorough diagnosis to determine the cause of your sciatic nerve pain. In a lot of cases, sciatic nerve pain is caused by a disc herniation, where the bulging material of the disc has put pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Herniated discs are usually treated with chiropractic adjustments and spinal decompression. Chiropractic adjustments are used to restore the proper curvature of your spine and to reduce inflammation in your back. Spinal decompression helps heal herniated discs by stretching certain segments of your spine. This increases the spaces between your vertebrae in order to give your disc the room it needs to retract and refill with fluid.

We may also recommend massage therapy as part of your comprehensive lower back pain treatment program. Massage therapy helps relax sore, tight muscles so that they do not contribute to your overall back pain, and it can be used alongside spinal decompression and chiropractic adjustments in order to help you find sciatica relief.

To schedule an appointment to see if lower back pain treatment with our chiropractor would be beneficial for you, call us at 440-248-2866.

How has chiropractic care helped you find sciatica relief?