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Chiropractic Care: An Effective Approach to Sports Injury

Are You Seeking Sports Injury Treatment to Get You Back in the Game?

Engaging in sports brings a bounty of benefits. The exercise it provides charges your energy level, boosts your heart rate, gets your blood circulating, and increases your metabolism. However the  time and energy invested in training can be mind-boggling. For example, a marathon runner may put in 200 miles of training each week, and that does not include the marathon itself. And should they be triathlon competitors, you can add to that the hours spent training in the pool as well as additional mileage on their bicycles. Therefore, is it any wonder that such extremes in conditioning result in musculoskeletal injuries?

patients running in OhioHowever you do not have to go to such extremes to sustain a sports injury. All too often, either through moderate overdoing or improper form, we cross a line and find we have suffered a sports injury. Lucky is the athlete who has never found himself or herself sitting out a game due to

  • Knee injury
  • Muscle tears
  • Shin splints
  • Bone fracture
  • Joint dislocation
  • Sprained ankle or wrist
  • Tendonitis

Sports Injury and Your Body

While physicians have undergone years of education and internships, they are not experienced in treating sports injuries. This lack of experience leads to the misdiagnosis of common musculoskeletal injuries that make up the greater part of sports-related injuries. A chiropractor, on the other hand, deals with such subluxations, dislocations, sprains, strains, and various types of soft tissue trauma every day. Furthermore, a chiropractor will take a holistic approach, first seeking out the exact location of the trauma, then employing a variety of methods to enable it to heal itself. Thus, his or her chiropractic evaluation of the nature of the injury and its extent will be the controlling factor in all prescribed treatments.

Although spinal injuries account for less than three percent of sports injuries, should these be the case, misaligned back and neck vertebrae respond excellently to chiropractic adjustments and spinal manipulations as do shoulder and other joint dislocations. Soft tissue trauma accounts for the majority of sports injuries. These include the tendonitis involved in golfer's elbow, tennis elbow and Achilles tendinitis, as well as the ligament tears that cause ankle and wrist sprains. For soft tissue injuries, a chiropractor will tailor a plan of therapeutic massage, not only for pain relief and alleviation of muscle tension, but to improve blood flow to the injured area and remove inflammation-causing toxins from the tissue.

Call Your Chiropractor Today!

When injured athletes in Twinsburg or Solon look into chiropractic care as a remedy, they find themselves reaping some of the same benefits they received from their sport coach. It provides pain alleviation which is their prime motivator for seeking relief and enhances pulmonary function, lessens mental stress, and increases energy levels just as their sport did.

What kind of sports related injury are you suffering form at the moment?